Each year, teachers in Lauderdale County nominate and vote for the teacher of the year in their respective school building. Teachers who are selected by their peers have the opportunity to apply for the TN Teacher of the Year program. The TN Teacher of the Year program recognizes and honors outstanding teachers in Tennessee who care about children, devote their professional lives to enriching the lives of Lauderdale County students, and who demonstrate exceptional gains in student achievement. Requirements of the program identify teachers at specific grade bands; Pre K-4th, 5th-8th, and 9th-12th. Please see the list of honorees by grade band listed below:
- Pre K-4th Grade
- Patti Heinemeyer, RES
- Billie Kissell, HES
- April York, RPS
- 5th-8th Grade
- Jill Carpenter, RES
- Kamisha Dixon, RMS
- Tammy Donaldson, HJH
- Candace Sanders, HES
- 9th-12th Grade
- Earl Anderson, HHS
- Susan Leviticus, RHS
Congratulations Lauderdale County Teachers of the Year!