At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, Halls High School students joined with Ripley High School students to present to the Tennessee Education Commissioner Candice McQueen at the Tennessee Department of Education in Nashville, TN. Each student had the opportunity to share how AWARE (school-based mental health services) and Move2Stand has impacted them personally, their schools, and their community.
As an extension of these two programs, Lauderdale County students formed a school organization called Move2AWARENESS. The purpose of Move2AWARENESS is to allow students at both Ripley and Halls High Schools to take the AWARE and Move2Stand movements a step further to make a collective effort to end bullying and mental health stigma to promote a positive school climate.
Halls High School Move2AWARENESS members Madison M., Bryson M., Brandon J., and Logan H., along with their club sponsor Mrs. Danielle Frye.