Lauderdale County AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) sponsored the fourth annual KINDNESS Week during April 10-14, 2023.
During this week, schools participated in various activities that promoted KINDness and raised AWAREness for mental health. Schools were challenged to decorate classroom doors and bulletin boards with a KINDness theme. A grade-level classroom winner was chosen and received a snack party. Party snacks were provided by The United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women from the Ripley First United Methodist Church. In total, there were 21 winners across the district. Additionally, employees participated in a coloring contest to promote self-care. Three winners were selected from each campus and received goodie bags. Coloring pages will be taken to local nursing homes and assisted living facilities across the county.
All LCS students were provided bracelets that promoted KINDness. In addition, district employees and students were able to purchase KINDness t-shirts to wear on KINDness Day. Sales proceeds will be divided among schools to purchase needed items for school clothes closets and food pantries.
This year, Lauderdale County Schools wanted to show KINDness to our neighbors in Tipton County. Students and staff from each school were asked to donate various items. As a district, we were able to take a bus load of items to support our friends in Tipton County. Thank you to all who helped us spread KINDness across our community and beyond!