The Tennessee Department of Education's goal is for every student to graduate high school prepared to be successful in the workforce or in aligned postsecondary programs. To accomplish this task, students with an elective focus in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study should culminate in the achievement of a state-recognized industry certification, a robust work-based learning experience, and/or attainment of postsecondary credit hours through early postsecondary opportunities.
Tennessee Specific Industry Certification (TSIC) course content and certification exams are aligned to postsecondary standards and provide the opportunity to earn both industry credentialing and postsecondary credit.
Lauderdale County high school students are able to receive specialized industry certifications based on completed coursework and examinations. Current industry certifications offered in LCS include:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10 hour Certification
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30 hour Certification
Tennessee Specific Industry Certification (TSIC) in Animal Science
Tennessee Specific Industry Certification (TSIC) in Horticulture Science