Lauderdale County Schools will continue providing meals for any child in the county ages 2-18. This includes both Traditional (when on odd/even schedule) and all Remote Learning students. Please note below the changes to the meal program. Meals for 7 days and additional snacks will now be included. Pick up will now occur on Mondays and Thursdays each week with the survey being posted the previous week. By completing the survey, you are committing to picking up 3 days worth of meals on Monday and the remaining 4 days of meals on Thursday. The first pick up is scheduled for Thursday, January 7.
• Meals will be made available for pick up each Monday and Thursday from 10:30a.m. -11:30 a.m. (if meal pick up day falls on a school holiday, meals will be served on the next day school is in session).• Meal Pick Up will be available at each school entrance.
• All children in Lauderdale County ages 2-18 are eligible to receive meals for days not present at school through the close of the school year.
• Meals do not have to be picked up at the school the student attends, but the school pick up location of choice must be noted on the weekly survey.
• Children do not have to be present to pick up meals.
• LCS participates in Community Eligibility Provision therefore, these meals are provided to Lauderdale County children at no cost to the family.
• Meals will be packaged according to the school enrollment and school calendar:
- Remote Learning (7 day meal bag with breakfast and lunch included)
- Odd Day (breakfast & lunch for the days students are not present at school including Saturday & Sunday for the current week.)
- Even Day (breakfast & lunch for the days students are not present at school including Saturday & Sunday for the current week.)
- All students will also receive an after school snack for each week day while not present at school (Monday –Friday) for the current week.
• Please complete a survey for each individual child.
• Please complete the survey by noon on Wednesday for the following Monday meal pick up.
For questions or assistance please call Kerri Carmack or Janet Ray at the Lauderdale County Department of Education (731) 635-2941.
Meal Survey Link for January 7 Pick Up: