School safety is a topic that is and should be important for us all. It’s unfortunate to see the many situations that are occurring across our region and the nation as a whole. We most definitely want parents and students to report specific and factual concerns of school safety to law enforcement and/or school administrators. Our schools always take this information seriously and will continue to investigate and respond to any credible threats to staff and students.
We politely ask that all stakeholders refrain from sharing rumors and speculation without having factual information. Sharing of this information, especially through social media, creates additional fear and anxiety for everyone. When a serious and credible threat is confirmed, your school will communicate with you accordingly.
Because tensions are high due to events occurring in our state and nation, you may notice some changes to some of our normal operating procedures. Although our district provides School Resource Officers, you may see increased presence of law enforcement as a precautionary measure. You may also see the use of metal detectors in schools and at some events as another added precaution.
We appreciate your support and cooperation as we all deal with the stresses of seeing school violence play out across our nation. Please watch for additional communication on ways you can help. Our school and district administrators are always available to hear your concerns and answer your questions. Thanks again for your support of these efforts and best wishes for a Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!