Lauderdale County AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) sponsored the second annual KINDNESS Week. During the week of April 4-8, schools were given the opportunity to participate in various activities that promote KINDNESS and help bring AWAREness to mental health. All students and staff were also given bracelets to help promote KINDNESS. Schools were challenged to decorate their classroom doors or bulletin boards with a KINDNESS theme. This year’s theme was “Lending a Helping Hand”. One winner from each grade was chosen and they received a snack party for their class. The United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women from the Ripley First United Methodist Church supplied the snacks and drinks for all the parties. There were 25 winners across the district and several more participated.
There was a coloring contest for the teachers and staff to participate in; this also helps promote self-care. There were three winners picked per school and each received a goodie bag. LCS AWARE would like to thank LCS Coordinated School Health and Buff City Soap of Dyersburg for providing goodie bag items. The coloring pages will be taken to local nursing homes and assisted living communities in the county as another way to spread KINDNESS in the community.
There were over 850 Kindness t-shirts sold across the school district and in the community. Over $3,000 was raised and all of the proceeds will be donated to those affected by the December 2021 tornado in Lake and Obion Counties. What an awesome way to lend a helping hand!