The students in Mr. Simpson's Art I class are studying color theory and creating a color wheel. #tigernation
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
color wheel
The students in Mrs. Hawkins senior English class are taking a gallery walk taking notes on the impact of 9/11. They will conclude the lesson with an essay explaining the impacts 9/11 has on our lives today.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
The students in Mrs. Hawkins senior English class are taking a gallery walk taking notes on the impact of 9/11. They will conclude the lesson with an essay explaining the impacts 9/11 has on our lives today.
The students in Mrs. Hawkins senior English class are taking a gallery walk taking notes on the impact of 9/11. They will conclude the lesson with an essay explaining the impacts 9/11 has on our lives today.
Here are some of the great pieces of work from Mr Simpson's Art 1 class.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Here are some of the great pieces of work from Mr Simpson's Art 1 class.
Here are some of the great pieces of work from Mr Simpson's Art 1 class.
Are you ready!!! #tigernation
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
game day
Coach Aveon is going over plays with Junior Powderpuff players to prepare for homecoming week.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Coach Aveon is going over plays with Junior Powderpuff players to prepare for homecoming week.
Coach Aveon is going over plays with Junior Powderpuff players to prepare for homecoming week.
Congratulations to the JUNIOR class for winning the Tiger spirit stick at the pep rally today! #tigernation
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
juniors pep rally
The ROAR/FOCUS behavior for the week of September 9, 2019, is found at the link below along with ACT vocabulary words, practice items and helpful tips.
over 5 years ago, Lauderdale County Schools
Week 5 ROAR
Week 5 ACT
It's Game Day, and RHS cheerleaders are prepped and ready for tonight. Let's Go Tigers!! #tigernation
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
We would like to show off our ROAR students of the week! Isaac, Kenneth, Darryelle, and Britney all received a ROAR ticket for exhibiting positive behavior this week.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
We would like to show off our ROAR students of the week! Isaac, Kenneth, Darryelle, and Britney all received a ROAR ticket for exhibiting positive behavior this week.
We would like to show off our ROAR students of the week! Isaac, Kenneth, Darryelle, and Britney all received a ROAR ticket for exhibiting positive behavior this week.
Come out tonight and support our Tigers as they face Crockett County! Go tigers!
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Come support the Tigers tonight as they face Crockett County.
The football team hits the weight room in preparation for tomorrow's night big game against Crockett County. GO TIGERS!!
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
weighth lifting
Come support the RHS volleyball team tonight who plays Fayette-Ware at home at 5:00. They recently won a district game over Millington. Go Tigers!!!
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
The students in Mrs. Robison's Small Animal Science class have been debating the pros and cons of animal research.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Small Animal Science
Students in Ms. Reed's Intro to Teaching as a Profession course collaborated on their first bulletin board highlighting educational pioneer, Maria Montessori.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Montessori 2
Montessori 1
E. Blessinger won the 1st special needs goat show at the Dyer County Fair. Congrats Emily!!
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
goat picture
Mrs. Ferguson’s class enjoyed attending the Dyer County Fair along with senior peer buddies attending to help.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Mrs. Angel Ferguson’s class enjoyed attending the Dyer County Fair along with senior peer buddies attending to help.
In Ms. Reed’s Intro to Teaching as a Profession class, the students collaborated on their first bulletin board highlighting a Pioneer of Education, Maria Montessori.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
In Ms. Reed’s Intro to Teaching as a Profession class, the students collaborated on their first bulletin board highlighting a Pioneer of Education, Maria Montessori.
In Ms. Reed’s Intro to Teaching as a Profession class, the students collaborated on their first bulletin board highlighting a Pioneer of Education, Maria Montessori.
The heat doesn't stop the RHS band from learning drills to complete their show! Good luck.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Ms Neal’s class is making layers of soil out of editable materials in Agriscience Class!
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Ms Neal’s class is making layers of soil out of editable materials in Agriscience Class!
Ripley High School will host a College Fair this Wednesday. Students will called to go based on their last names and will be given time to speak with each representative. This is a great opportunity to learn about many post-secondary options.
over 5 years ago, Ripley High School
Annual RHS College Fair