September 4, 2018
Ripley High juniors are seeing demonstrations of state-of-the-art HAAS machining tool technology (MTT) equipment located at RHS. The machining pathway offers opportunities for hi...
August 24, 2018
Lauderdale County Schools is pleased to announce that Halls Elementary has been identified as a Level 5 value-added school for academic progress in 2017-2018. This is the highe...
August 24, 2018
Mrs. Hearn is all about giving kids the extra help they need to ace the school year!
Students of the A.W.A.R.E group attended a “Move-To-Stand”
Program Tuesday ...
August 23, 2018
Ms. Lewis' Landscaping and Turf students are helping to keep the flower beds around the school clean and beautiful this year. This course helps to provide skills to our students t...
August 22, 2018
NASHVILLE – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam today announced a multi-phase plan, highlighted by a statewide listening tour, to improve delivery of the state’s elementary and secondary a...
August 2, 2018
See ABC 24's Local Cool School Highlight of Lauderdale County and "Professional Development"... we are so proud of our students and teachers!
August 1, 2018
RHS Teachers have been preparing for the new school year throughout the week. During training from the AWARE Team teachers and staff preformed short scenarios to demonstrate and d...
July 31, 2018
E. Carney was selected to participate in the All National Honor Choir which is sponsored by the National Association for Music Education. Music students who made the All State Hon...
June 8, 2018
Forty-seven Lauderdale County seniors received Work Ethic certificates for meeting qualifying criteria approved by a collaborative of West Tennessee businesses, industries and sch...
June 8, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018 | 11:46am
NASHVILLE- Tennessee is the top state to close the “honesty gap” while simultaneously raising expectations and improving student performance, ...
June 8, 2018
For the first time, department eliminates two TNReady exams
NASHVILLE — Education Commissioner Candice McQueen announced today the approval of recommendations that will reduc...